Archival Policy
This Archival Policy for material event/material information disclosed to the stock exchanges ("Policy"), as per Regulation 30(8) of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015("LODR"), outlines the methodology for the archival of material events/ material information that have been disclosed to the stock exchanges by Cera Sanitaryware Limited. ("Company").
Archival Policy for submissions made to Stock Exchanges
Documents submitted to stock exchanges for dissemination to stakeholders will be retained on the website of the Company for a minimum period of five years or such higher period as may be prescribed by any applicable laws. The Document may thereafter be shifted to the Archive Section of the website, where it shall be retained for such as may be decided by the Company Secretary in consultation with CEO / ED., after which it may be removed from the website.
Notwithstanding the above, the Management shall have the discretion to host any of such documents on the website of the Company for such additional period as the management may deem fit on a case to case basis.
Archived Policy for other information hosted on the website pursuant to applicable legislations:
All other documents/ information which are hosted on the website of the Company pursuant to any Law/ Regulation/ Guideline as may be applicable to the Company from time to time, shall be retained on the website for such minimum period of time as may be specified under such Law/ Regulation/ Guideline. The Document may thereafter be shifted to the Archive Section of the website, where it shall be retained for such period as may be decided by the Company Secretary in consultation with CEO / ED., after which it may be removed from the website.
Notwithstanding the above, the Management shall have the discretion to host any of such documents on the website of the Company for such additional period as the management may deem fit on a case to case basis.
Archived Policy for other information voluntarily hosted on the website:
All information/ documents hosted on the website of the Company voluntarily by the management, shall be retained on the website/ Archive section for such period of time as may be deemed fit at the absolute discretion of the Management.
General Authorization:
The Management of the Company is authorized to periodically review the policy and make such changes as considered necessary.
Dissemination Of Policy:
This Policy shall be disclosed on the website of the Company.